Sunday, March 27, 2011

Charades and Spin the Human

This is so much fun.  I purchased these charade cards from "Green Jello With Carrots."  Click here.  I'm giving them a plug because they have such awesome stuff.

Here's how I used them:

I "laminated" them with clear contact paper.  Then I borrowed a swivel chair from the bishop's office, placed the cards face down all around the chair.  Then using my "choosing can" I picked kids to come sit in the chair.  With their legs straight out, I twirled the chair and whatever card was under their feet was the one the child could act out.  There are Reverent actions and Rowdy actions.  The primary kids were to guess what type of action was being portrayed.

I had brought a portable file box filled with a whole bunch of my songs and accompanying visuals.  The child then got to pick a file, and help with the visuals while we sang.  I usually am given more time on the 4th week, so we were able to get through about 7 songs.

*WARNING!  Make sure the child is holding onto the sides of the chair when twirling.  One little sunbeam twirled off the chair and halfway across the room!  Although quite hilarious, it took a while to get the kids calmed down (especially me!).  He wasn't hurt, but was laughing so hard he could hardly stand up.  Ahhhh Primary!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Stand For The Right - Audience Participation

When I was going to College, I eventually learned that I needed to employ each sensory tactic in order to really learn something.

 That means I needed to HEAR it (via professor), SEE it (via books & notes), WRITE it (re-writing and editing my notes), and SAY it
(yes, reciting out loud to myself).

This is why I love participation more than just standing there talking to kids and asking questions.  I know I find myself daydreaming in classes like that, at it's a sure thing the kids do, too.

This week I'll divide the kids into four areas.  Each area will be assigned a rhythm method for their line of the song.  (i.e. clapping, snapping, leg slapping, foot pounding, etc.)  All to the beat.  It's in 3/4 time, so the rhythm is 1- 2 -3, 1- 2 -3, 1- 2 -3, etc.  After practicing their rhythms, I'll sing the words, and the kids can sing along as they feel ready.

So Area #1 will clap 1-2-3, 1-2-3,...while singing "Our Prophet has some words for you"

Area #2 will snap to the beat while singing "And these are the words, Be True, Be True"

Area #3 will hit their legs and sing, "At work or at play, in darkness or light"

Area #4 will pound their feet to the beat and sing, "Be True, Be True and Stand for the Right."  In which EVERYONE will STAND when the words, "Stand For the Right" are sung.  That way, everyone must pay attention.

After each area knows their own line, I'll have everyone sing the whole thing, changing rhythm methods as they sing each line.  It might be fun to have a child from each area come up and do the actions while everyone sings with them.....sort of a game to see who can go through the whole song without messing up.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

New-Fangled Choose Sticks

Move over tongue depressors.  There's a new kid(s) in town!  I found these at a store called Utah/Idaho School Supply.  I'm sure any school supply store will do.  They have great stuff.

The best thing about these guys is they're each basically a white board, so you can wipe off a child's name as they graduate, move, etc.

Just thinking, it might be fun to dress these guys up somewhat for each holiday.  Like, I saw some foam cutouts of cowboy hats that could be taped on their heads for July.  Maybe even tie a little piece of a red bandanna around the neck....  green boleros for St. Patrick's Day.....etc.  It's these little details that the kids seem to respond to so much.  ANYthing for the kids, right?

Teaching Scripture Power

On the 4th Sunday of each month, when a member of the bishopric visits and speaks to the children,  we get to have singing for the duration of the time left over.  It's great since that's usually a review day.

I decided to begin teaching next month's song a week early due to my upcoming vacation.  So......drumroll please.......let me bring your attention to this fantastic booklet I found on "The Ordinary Adventures of a Primary Chorister."  I say "booklet" because it's better than a flip chart.  It has a whole page dedicated to the words with a whole page picture to go with it.  The pics are darling.  Here's the link.

Scripture Power Booklet

I began by reading the "book" to them like a storybook.  Then we sang it.  On the front of the binder, I had taped the words so I wouldn't have to bend my head around to look at the pages.  The kids LOVED it!  The older kids remembered it, but enjoyed reviewing it.

I want to get the pages laminated and spiral bound this week, so it will  really BE a book instead of just another binder/flipchart.  That's how "The Ordinary Chorister..." suggested doing it, and it sounds like an adorable alternative.

I chose "helpers" to come up and get dressed in the armor, (picture above) which was also a big hit.  I found the armor at the dollar store last year some time, knowing I would eventually use it.  This was really fun.  Next week I'll bring out even more pieces, such as the helmet, girdle, etc.

As I'm sure all of you have, we've been pushing for the kids to bring their scriptures.  They were sure glad they did today, as almost all of them were able to heft them into the air for the SCRIP-ture Power Chorus.  FUN DAY.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Traffic Light String

When I was the pianist in another ward, the chorister made up one of these, only she used a 1 Liter pop bottle that she cut the middle out of, and fit the two ends together, to hold the string.  Apparently, there is no such thing as red, yellow, and green multi-colored yarn, so I bought three small yarn thingys(?) and tied them together randomly.

Not owning a liter of pop, I needed to make use of what could be found around the house.  Eventually I found a can of french-fried onion rings in my pantry,  put them in a zip-lock, punched a small hole in the lid, covered the can with wrapping paper, printed off some pics I found online, and voila'!

A helper pulls the string steadily while we sing.  Of course green="GO," Red="STOP," and then they'll hum when the yellow string surfaces.

Looking Forward to St. Patrick's Day

I'm going to be on vacation the Sunday before St. Patty's Day, so this will be the second activity for my substitute chorister.   I borrowed this GREAT riddle idea from Kathryn, and added a little extra to it in lieu of the special day.

Everyone knows Leprechauns LOVE silly riddles.  So I've added some super silly ones in addition to the song riddles.

So the activity will go like this:  A child will be chosen to come pick a shamrock.  (They will all be attached to the board with small magnets. )  On the other side are TWO riddles.  The first one is a St. Patrick's Day riddle.  After the kids have fun with that, the chorister will read the second riddle, which is a question regarding songs they know.  After they guess the song, another helper will choose, from the "Silly Sack," the way they should sing the song.

If you want to download the silly singing cards, click "here".

This is basically a choose and review, with some fun songs mixed in.  I chose songs I was pretty sure the kids would know.  Here are the riddles:

1. Why do people wear shamrocks on St. Patrick's Day?
       Regular rocks are too heavy.
Song Riddle:  I like to imagine what it would be like to hear Jesus talk to me.
                            Hint:  I would not listen with my ears.
                      What song am I?  "If I Listen With My Heart"
2.  Knock, Knock!
        Who's there?
        Irish who?
     Irish you a happy St. Patrick's Day!
Song Riddle:  Heavenly Father has provided a way for us to get back to him.
                           Hint:  "Plan"
                       What song am I?  "I Will Follow God's Plan For Me"
3.  What does Ireland have more of than any other country?
Song Riddle:  Everyone needs to hold onto this.
                           Hint:  Lehi's Dream
                      What song am I?  "Hold to the Rod" (chorus only)
4.  Knock, Knock!
        Who's there?
        Warren who?
    Warren anything green today?
Song Riddle:  The Lord wants us to be brave and courageous
                             Hint:  Another word for brave is "Valiant"
                       What song am I?  "I Will Be Valiant"
5.  Why do frogs like St. Patrick's Day?
         Because they're always wearing green!
Song Riddle:  The apricot trees don't have any of this right now.
                           (No Hint on this one)
                       What song am I?  "Popcorn Popping"
6.  Why can't you borrow money from a Leprechaun?
        Because they're always a little short.
Song Riddle:  You need to build your house on the right foundation.
                            Hint:  Rain
                       What song am I?  "The Wise Man and the Foolish Man"
7.  Why did the leprechaun stand on the potato?
        To keep from falling in the stew!
Song Riddle:  I hope they do this when I've grown a foot or two.
                           Hint:  2 years
                      What song am I?  "I Hope They Call Me On a Mission"
8.  What do you get when two leprechauns have a conversation?
         A lot of small talk!
Song Riddle:  Jesus wants me to be this...
                           Hint:  Sun
                      What song am I?  "Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam"


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Broken Hearts for "I Will Follow God's Plan" Let's try this again...

Okay, for those of you who weren't able to pull up the broken hearts for "I Will Follow God's Plan"  I'm re-posting links here.  I sincerely hope they work for you this time.  For some reason I wasn't able to e-mail the file to those who requested it.  I'm so sorry.  Let me know if this works. If you haven't already, you will need to sign up for the free "4-Shared" site for file sharing.  I know a lot of you bloggers out there use it, and it seems like a great way to file share.

Just click "Download" when you see the word, "Download."   :)

My Life Is A Heaven it Began
My Choice Was to Come....To His Word and His Love
I Will Work......Walk in His way
Then I Will Be Happy......In My Home Above

Saturday, February 19, 2011

I Will Be Valiant

I want to teach this song to the kids really, really bad.  So tomorrow is the day. It is fun, upbeat, catchy, and different from the other songs we've been singing.

I've included a flipchart that I found on Sugardoodle.  I'm just going to attach the pages on the board - not use them as a flipchart, and then once the kids have sung it a few times, pass out a bunch of Kazoos (from Oriental Trading) and let them sing through those.  Maybe ... we'll even march around the room with them.

What could be funner than a kazoo?  Huh?  Here's the link:

Preparing for a Substitute Chorister

Yes, It is true.  I am actually going on a much needed vacation in March....for 2 weeks!  However, it turns out that I'll need a sub for 3 Sundays.  Yikes!  Good thing we have Stake Conference as the second Sunday.

I don't want to overburden my fill-in with anything too complicated, so I think it would be fun and easy for her to use these primary matching cards.

 There are TONS of cards in this just a few would be good, so as to make it less frustrating for the kids.  When there's a match, a song will go with it.  I'll pick songs they know fairly well...and include the flipcharts/posters, etc. for my sub ... in case the kids aren't sure of every word.  Nothing's worse for a temporary chorister to feel like she's the only one singing.

Here's the link:   Primary Matching Game

Finishing Up Teaching "I Will Follow God's Plan"

My favorite singing times are when the kids are involved interactively.  They responded really well to my "Broken Hearts" singing time last week, so I hope this one goes as well.

I'm going to put pictures, representing the key words in the song, under random chairs before primary begins.  When we're ready to practice this song, I'll tell them to look under their seats for the pictures.  We'll begin singing the song ... but STOP when a picture is needed.  I plan to have a printout of the piano music with the "stops" indicated so the pianist and I will be on the same page. . .no pun intended  :-)

Each time the music stops, the children must look at their picture and decide if it's the one that fits.  Then he/she will bring it up and post it on the board.  After all pictures are up, we'll sing it without stopping, then begin removing the pictures until they can sing it completely from memory.

Below I've listed the key words.  Click onto the word, then copy and paste the picture onto a document.  Size as large as you want, then print them out.  I recommend laminating them (clear contact paper is cheap) and saving for future use.  These pictures could be used for many singing times/activities in the future.  Print out the pictures with an asterick TWICE, because the word is used more than once in the song.


Monday, February 14, 2011

Broken Hearts Bad Link.....Lame....

Sorry my 3+ hrs of work on attempting to provide a PDF file didn't pan out.  My new MAC computer is kicking my .... well, you know.  If anyone would like the actual file for the broken hearts.....which could be used at other times than just for Valentines Day, I would be happy to e-mail the file to you.  Just e-mail me at

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Broken Hearts for Valentines Day

I've been spending the last few several hours trying to teach myself how to scan something I've created onto the computer....then post it here for you to click onto.  I scanned my pictures on the flatbed...and it ended up in 4 separate pages.  So there will be four URL's to click on here...   Hmm...I'll try to do better next time.

I didn't really want to take a day off from teaching "I Will Follow Gods Plan" in order to just sing fun songs for Valentines Day.  Tomorrow is Ward Conference, and the Stake folks will be I wanted to teach the second part of the song.....while incorporating Valentines Day in a fun way.

I took this idea I saw from last year.  I'm not sure who's idea this was, so if it's yours, please post a comment to that effect so you'll get the credit.  Last year's version had the words from "He Sent His Son."  So I just used her idea with this year's song for February.

My plan is to place one half of a heart into an envelope, address it to "Shadow Ridge Ward Primary Children,' place a sticker of "Christ with little children" I bought at Deseret Book, for the stamp.

I even postmarked it.....if you can see it.  I know, it doesn't even resemble a real postmark, but it gives the effect....ever so slightly......  It says, "Created With Love..."

I worried that the kids would take too long opening the envelope the conventional I just placed a heart sticker on the back to close it.

I'll have helpers pull the envelopes out of the Mailman's mail pouch, open them, then we'll sing the phrase which is on that half.  

As we continue opening the envelopes, more pieces of the song will be revealed and the kids will try to match them up.  If they get the whole song matched up, they'll get a valentine treat!  (Oh heck...They'll get one anyway....) Hopefully, by the time the valentines are all matched up they will have learned the song fairly well.  Afterwards....I'll have a valentine treat for them, which they will take from the mail pouch as they leave Primary.

Here are the PDF heart files.
My Life Is a Gift......
My Choice Was to Come.....
I Will Work....
Then I Will Be Happy.....

Here's the yummy treat I'll be handing out.  I put a little bit inside a snack-sized ziplock for each child.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Primary Valentines Mailman

I've been working on this little guy for next week, the day before Valentines Day.  I found him on "The Divine Secrets of a Primary Chorister" Blog:

I blew him up and colored him on a thick foam board, then with a large needle and dental floss, I attached a little denim bag I already had.

To get the U.S. Mail on the front, I just printed off the  words on my computer, using a red font, outlined them in thick black, cut them out, then attached them on the front of the bag with a product called, Aleene's Paper Napkin Applique Glue.  You use it just like Mod Podge, but it bends with the fabric a little more.  Mod Podge would probably work too.  I just happened to have this stuff.

I'm going to jazz up the background some, not sure how just now, but I'll think of something...   I'll have
valentines inside with the names of songs about love and caring.  Then before the kids leave, I'll re-fill the bag with valentines just for them....with a special treat.

What will you be doing for Valentines?

I Will Follow God's Plan .. First Half

I only taught the first half of the song today.  I wanted to be sure we had both lines learned well, and still had time for fun.  I know I said I didn't really want to use posters or flipcharts...but I changed my mind at the last minute and put a poster together this morning.  I covered it with blobs, and planned to uncover each line as we learned it.  The tan felt is covering the second half, which I'll have covered with the blobs for next week.              

I began with this gift box, and had a helper open it up.  

This was what was inside:  (They expected it to be empty, like filled with love or something.)

Then we talked about the plan...

At this point we played the hot and cold game with the gift box.  I used Mr. Crescendo Crocodile to help out the game a little.

After a few times with this, they had learned the line pretty well.  On to Line 2:

I had been taking the blobs off the poster to learn the words. 
 Now with Line 2 it looked like this:

Then with the last blob gone, it looked like this:

So then it was time for another game.  We hid this flashlight with a picture of Christ on it, to go with "to seek for God's light to direct me from birth."
 That's all we learned today.  I think we had fun learning it, and the kids paid attention.  
That's always a plus!                                                     

Saturday, February 5, 2011

I Will Follow God's Plan

Okay...  I think I'm ready to take this one on.  I DON'T want to use the old standbys this time....that of flipcharts and/or posters.  I want to do something unexpected and different.

I'll start out with a beautifully wrapped gift....ask the children to listen to the song as I sing guess what's inside.  I'll pick a child to unwrap the gift, and inside will be a paper with the words, "MY LIFE" written on it.

I downloaded this darling folder game off the Green Jello with Carrots Blog that is a great pictorial for the "PLAN."  Maybe ... I'll have a helper(s) help me with placement of the pictures on the board.  Or if time is an it usually is, I'll just show it to them already put together.  I don't want to spend the whole time explaining it.  Just a quick overview.

Then for the line "My choice was to come to this lovely home on earth, and seek for God's light to direct me from birth,"  I'll have a flashlight with a picture of Christ taped to it.

For the Line "I will follow God's plan for me, holding fast to His word and His love,"  will be scriptures.

Then ""I will work, I will pray, I will always walk in His way."  A pair of shoes.

The Line, "Then I will be happy on earth, and in my home above."  A small world globe, or I could just point to the earth and Celestial Kingdom on the "Plan."

Now as we learn each line, I'll choose a child to go into the hall, then we'll play the Hot/Cold Game with the objects, singing the particular line of the song that goes with the object.  By repetition, they'll be learning the song in a fun, participatory, entertaining, and visual way.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Fifth Sunday Fun

We got a new Primary Presidency last November, and they have some great ideas they're implementing.
On the fifth Sundays we are visited by various prophets from the scriptures.  Today we welcomed Lehi and Nephi!  They told stories, and interacted with the kids in a fun and informative way.  Here's Lehi (I wasn't aware that Lehi wore a tie, were you?)  He told about his dream, and what it meant.  The kids were right in the palm of his hand.....

Here's his son, Nephi.  He brought his bow and the actual sword he used to obtain the brass plates!

We weren't sure just how long these guests would take, so I brought my "Silly Singing Time" stuff, but added another item.  This:

I put JUST Fun Songs/Activity Songs in this bag - to use with the "Silly Singing Time" cards.   See this post here.  It was ABSOLUTELY HILARIOUS and FUNFUNFUN!  Can't wait to do it again.  

*Note:  I know, I know, I wasn't aware until I got to Primary that I had actually planted a "Sponge Bob" picture on this bag....   I'll see if I can find a replacement... 

Monday, January 24, 2011

January Review Week 4

I started out having the kids sing through IILWMH with the flipchart (see previous posts).  Then I took the flipchart apart and placed the pages all over a table.  I used my brand-new "Golden Helpers" book that I found on this link here.  It really helped.  No more hands and little kids running up to me to pull on my dress.  Divine.  The little yellow tab on the page is to let me know that child has had a turn.  

As I called each name, the child was supposed to come up, pick a page from the flipchart and decide if it fit on row 1 (1st verse), row 2 (2nd verse), or row 3 (3rd verse)., on the board. They came up, but ... one teacher said it best, "I don't think they were really trying."  Yikes!   Luckily I brought my poster this week.  Because the pages were all so scrambled it would have taken quite some time to sort them out on the board.

So we sang with the poster.  Never mind my crooked phrases.  Next time I'll use a level....sigh...  I used the idea for "pitch sticks" I found on Kathryn's blog here.  The little kids loved it, the bigger kids broke them in pieces.  ...sigh #2...  Did I mention we have mostly boys in our primary?  I didn't even dare bring out the paint brushes I brought for "painting the music," also on Kathryn's blog.  I loved the ideas, but found them to be more geared toward the Jr. Primary-aged kids.

However!  For the 3rd verse I brought out Mr. "Crescendo Crocodile", an idea by Tifany that I found here.  And they all picked back up and sang beautifully!  The little guy was easy to make, and I could even draw it!  That's something.....

I was exhausted by the end of Primary.  It's tough keeping all ages interested when we're all together.  But now I have a better idea of what types of activities keeps everyone engaged.

If it weren't for all of you.....and your great ideas, I couldn't function in this capacity.  A big heartfelt thankyouthankyouthankyou to all you singing time bloggers   Consider yourselves hugged!

Monday, January 17, 2011

The Iron Rod - One Awesome Flipchart

I found this little gem on "The Ordinary Adventures of a Primary Chorister" Blog.  I used it today. It's really well done, and the kids loved it.   The Iron Rod - Flipchart

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Teaching About the Holy Ghost

The last verse of "If I Listen With My Heart" is all about the Holy Ghost.  I know this has been done before, but I put a bunch of stuff in a bag that had attributes of the Holy Ghost.  Then I had helpers pull out one object at a time as "clues."  At this point I didn't tell them who we were talking about.  After all the clues were out of the bag, I had each child holding an item come up to the front.  Believe it or not, no one guessed the person the clues belonged to.

As I described what each clue meant, (omitting the name, "Holy Ghost") the child held up his/her item for all to see.  It didn't take long before hands were being raised, as they recognized who I was talking about.  These are the clues/items:

The little MOUTH is to help you remember that the Holy Ghost will SPEAK to you in a still, small voice.

The EAR in the bag will remind you to always LISTEN to the Holy Ghost so that you can always choose the right.

The Holy Ghost will COMFORT you like a warm BLANKET.  The Holy Ghost will comfort you and give you strength when you choose the right and have to stand alone.

The RULER will help you remember that the Holy Ghost is a TEACHER. The Holy Ghost will help you understand and know the truth as you study the scriptures and learn.

The Holy Ghost will LIGHT YOUR WAY like a CANDLE and help you walk along righteous paths.

The HEART shows how much Jesus loves you.  He wants you to show your LOVE for Him by obeying the commandments.  Always stay close to Him and you will be truly happy.

THEN we learned the last verse of the song.  I was so impressed with how well they learned it, and felt the spirit very strongly this week in singing time.  

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Silly Singing Time

What kid doesn't love to be silly sometimes?  Even some adults do....I know I do.  It's a stretch to expect primary kids to be reverent at all times....prim and proper....etc.  So, I made this "Silly Singing Time Sack." 
Inside are a number of cards, covered with clear contact paper for protection.  I will have a helper pick a card out of the bag....the card will tell us how we'll sing the song.  This is for reviewing a song over and over
without the kids zoning out.  The cards are like these:

I have the cards I could e-mail you, if you're interested.  I used to use a square dice with ways to sing the songs, but there are so many more ideas on these cards.  I can't wait to bring it next week for our song review.
If you would like the PDF file, just click HERE.  Thanks for visiting!

2011 Music Schedule

Remember how I said I was going to "cuten" up my schedule?  Well, I saw an outline that I really, really liked.  Easy to read, and fun to look at.  So I shamelessly used it as my inspiration  Here is the link:   I think the blog is called "The Ordinary Adventures of a Primary Chorister" and it's just fantastic!  Anyway, here's my version. I've made one for each month.

If you would rather not re-invent the wheel, I would be happy to e-mail you my year's schedule.  The Stake Conferences would be different, but you could plug them in the correct dates.  Send your request to me at

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January Schedule and More "Stuff"

Here is my schedule for January.  The 2nd isn't on there cuz I didn't even type this up until last week.  I used to do a much more detailed schedule, which included Jr and Sr Primary singing times.  But this year, I teach EVERYONE at the same time.  We only have 40-50 kids total in our primary, and we never see that many even on a good day.  So....  no big deal.  Sharing time is all together as well.  That means I get to go to Sunday School with my hubby.  Sweeeet! is my plan for Jan.  It's not so cute.  I want to "cuten" it up just a bit for next time.

I should be able to scan this puppy in and get a better look.  But I didn't have time to monkey with it this morning, so forgive me for the crummy photo. get the idea. 

I did teach the chorus to the "Iron Rod" last week.  I told them about a time during the week that I was trying to climb some outdoor stairs covered with thick ice....and how I had no treads on my shoes....and how I NEEDED to hold on the the railing (hence, the iron rod).  Then went on with that line of thinking.  It was really easy to teach them....even without visuals because it's so short....just two lines.

As for next week, we'll be singing some tunes we haven't sung for a while.  "Seek the Lord Early" was sung in  the 2009 program, but I don't think we sang it even once last year.  I made a poster using pictures I had on some popsicle sticks.  The pics, I believe, came from a resource called "Singing Savers" for the 2009 program.  But I'm sure you could find similar pictures online.  Here is my poster:

I use flip charts frequently too, but sometimes the ones I find online have really small words.  The kids in the back just can't see them...I'm sure.  So I downloaded the flipcharts off the Jolly Jen Flipcharts website, and made larger words to go with.  I used a #72 font.  I print them on cardstock or just regular paper, then insert them in clear plastic sheet covers, cut off the side with the holes, poke two holes at the top, and attach them to rings.  I'm sure you all do the same....I mostly speaking to brand-spankin' new chroristers here.
I put the flipcharts in a folder with the same name, and file alphabetically.

Pie Plate, Rocks, and a Sponge

Weird name for a post, but I wanted to share with you another object lesson I used in teaching "If I Listen With My Heart."  It came right out of a terrific object lesson book I picked up at Deseret Book for $12.99.
It's by Beth Lefgren and Jennifer Jackson, and it's full of great ideas for bringing home the points we're trying to make.  It's not just for kids, either.  It's for teachers in all areas of gospel teaching.  (No, I'm not getting a kickback, and I don't know the authors....It's just a great little gem!)

Anyway, I used little rocks, cuz all the big ones are outside under  8 feet of snow.  I took them from one of my  floral arrangements....   I put the rocks in one pie pan and the sponge in another.  Then asked, "Which item will soak up more water?  Then I poured half of the water over each item.  There should be no water visible with the sponge, your water is clearly seen in the pan with the rock.  Ask, "Why does one pan have more water than the other?

We are like the rock(s) when we read our scriptures without purpose or focus; the truths of the scriptures run off and cannot fully penetrate our souls.  We are like the sponge, however, when we prayerfully study the scriptures; we absorb gospel truths because the Spirit is able to teach us.

A scripture goes with this,  John 5:39;  Mosiah 1:7    I think they liked the OL.  You could hear a pin drop during the presentation.

Then I went on to teach the second verse of IILWMH.  I changed the flip chart from last week by adding some key words.  Like this:

I just thought it was sort of a stretch to expect the kids and teachers to comprehend the picture's meaning and put the right words with it.  I can take the words off later as a game after we learn it better. BTW, the CD-ROM (last post) was also $12.99 at Deseret Book.  I keep all my receipts and deduct them along with my tithing deductions at the end of the year.